LiuGong Made Its Debuts at CONEX KOREA 2024
On October 24, LiuGong, in collaboration with its local dealer KANGLIM, made a remarkable debut at CONEX KOREA 2024, one of South Korea’s leading construction equipment exhibitions. This event marked a significant step forward in LiuGong's journey in the Korean market.
At the exhibition, LiuGong showcased its 856H wheel loader, a machine renowned for its power, fuel efficiency, and operator-friendly design. The display of this model attracted the attention of industry professionals and potential customers, sparking substantial interest in LiuGong's product offerings.
3月4日,柳工與KANGLIM正式簽訂經銷合作協議。攜手KANGLIM CO., LTD,柳工將為韓國當地客戶提供卓越的產品、完善的服務和全麵的解決方案。
On March 4th, LiuGong sighed a dealer cooperation agreement with KANGLIM. By joining hands with KANGLIM, LiuGong will provide local customers with excellent products and services, as well as comprehensive solutions.
By Wanlaya Khattiya
1月23日,《廣西日報》國資國企專版刊發《廣西柳工機械股份有限公司:三全領航 攀高向強競一流》報道,聚焦柳工以三全戰略推動轉型升級,。
柳工 9135F 挖掘機歐洲首發LiuGong 9135F Excavator Makes Its European Debut近日,柳工9135F 超大型挖掘。