漳州漳浦移动螺杆空压机租赁厦门川野机械有限公司张经理:I59 8O88 5OI6。
Recently, a lot of anti-counterfeiting activities have been carried out in the whole country. There are air compressors for counterfeiting in many counterfeiting sites. Jinan air compressor sales process is difficult to play a preventive role, may not know the other side to use the use of air compressor sold. The sale of air compressors should be carried out between the normal track companies, so as to effectively grasp the direction of the air compressor. As for the situation of the second-hand air compressor market, which is chaotic and can buy an air compressor at will, may the country restrict the sale of air compressors in the future? It shouldn't. It might be a standard way of buying and selling.
Jinan screw air compressor
There may be many factories that use air compressors to make counterfeits, mainly the market and how stores resist counterfeits. As long as the source is blocked, there will be no pollution. The sale of air compressors stops between enterprises. Can individuals buy air compressors? Individuals are able to purchase air compressors. Basically, when selling air compressors, they are only divided into terminal customers or agents. Normally, they will not interrogate the use of air compressors.
The shipping address is also an important clue. Basically, large factories must make air compressors the right way. Jinan air compressor sales time must distinguish the other side's use, if the use is not correct is likely to involve itself. Knowing that the use of air compressor is unreasonable, remember not to sell air compressor to such customers, not only harm myself but also harm the enterprise.
免责声明:以上所展示的信息由会员自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性 由发布会员负责。中国路面机械网对此不承担任何责任。
友情提醒:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质(营业执照等证件)及产品质量。我们原则上建议您选择经过中国路面机械网认证的 守信通 会员
该用户未通过认证 |
主营产品: | 泉州厦门静音无油压缩机,漳州永磁变频空压机、晋江阿特拉斯无油空压机,寿力空压机配件,干燥机 | 联系人: | 张文明 |
资质认证: | 邮 件: | ||
开店时间: | 电 话: | 0592-6108553 | |
所在地: | 厦门市同安工业集中区同安园292号5楼 | 手 机: | 18005925881 |
免责声明:以上所展示的信息由会员自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性 由发布会员负责。中国路面机械网对此不承担任何责任。
友情提醒:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买相关产品前务必确认供应商资质(营业执照等证件)及产品质量。我们原则上建议您选择经过中国路面机械网认证的 守信通 会员
产品品牌: 开山
产品分类: 空压机
规格型号: K
出租价格: 0.1元/台
出租区域: 福建
产品品牌: 开山
产品分类: 空压机
规格型号: K
出租价格: 0.1元/台
出租区域: 福建
产品品牌: 开山
产品分类: 空压机
规格型号: 01
出租价格: 0.1元/台
出租区域: 福建
产品品牌: 开山
产品分类: 空压机
规格型号: K
出租价格: 0.1元/台
出租区域: 福建