<% title = "<%=ClassName&" - "%> - 买卖设备上中国路面机械网" keywords = "摊铺机,<%=ClassName2%> " description = "提供国内外<%=ClassName2%>品牌和产品最多的网站,是你选购<%=ClassName2%>前参考的主要网站.买卖设备上中国路面机械网. " cate = "lmjx" catename = "路面机械" cate_1 = "" cate_2 = "" list_id = "" oth_html="" company_id = "" %> <% Session.CodePage=936 Response.Charset="GB2312" %> <%=title%> <% vurl = "" if cate_1 <> "" and cate_2 = "" then vurl = vurl & "c" & cate_1 if cate_2 <> "" and cate_2 <> "0" then vurl = vurl & "e" & cate_2 if company_id <> "" and company_id <> "0" then vurl = vurl & "/p" & company_id if othw <> "" then if InStr(othw,"&") then vurl = vurl & "?" vurl = vurl & right(othw,Len(othw)-1) end if end if %> <% if vurl <> "" then %> <% end if %>
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<%=oth_html%> <% sohtml=soinfo("https://zj.lmjx.net/?_p=spage&c1="&cate_1&"&c2="&cate_2&"&lc="&list_id&"&company_id="&company_id&othw) Response.Write(sohtml) function soinfo(url) dim Https set Https=server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") Https.open "get",url&"&r="&now(),false Https.send() if Https.readystate=4 then dim objstream set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") objstream.Type = 1 objstream.Mode =3 objstream.Open objstream.Write Https.responseBody objstream.Position = 0 objstream.Type = 2 objstream.Charset = "UTF-8" html = objstream.ReadText objstream.Close set objstream = nothing set https=nothing end if soinfo = html end Function %>