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三联机械 2023-11-23 10:05:12

Meeting Minutes - Beijing - Sanlian Machinery Invited to Attend the 2023 (Fourth) National Tailings Comprehensive Utilization Industry Innovation Forum


On November 19-21, 2023, the "2023 (Fourth) National Tailings Comprehensive Utilization Industry Innovation Forum" was successfully held in Beijing.


The theme of this meeting is "Collaborative Innovation - Green Development", aiming to promote the demonstration and application of new processes, technologies, and equipment for the comprehensive utilization of tailings resources, accelerate the large-scale and high-value utilization of metal tailings such as gold, lead zinc, molybdenum, iron, copper, vanadium and titanium, as well as non-metallic tailings such as graphite, stone, and quartz, and achieve the green and low-carbon circular development of the tailings industry.


Quanzhou Sanlian Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sanlian Machinery") was invited to attend the meeting, and Li Xiaoying, the deputy general manager of the company, gave a keynote speech on "Practice and Equipment of Using Iron Tailings Dry Method to Produce PC Bricks" as the invited guest.


At the meeting, Mr. Li took the iron tailings material of a certain customer in northwest China as an example and verified through experimental data that the fully automatic servo wall and floor tile production equipment of Sanlian Machinery can ensure all indicators of product compressive strength, flexural strength, permeability coefficient, and frost resistance, while consuming a large amount of tailings material. In addition to conventional standard bricks and hollow blocks, the finished products can also produce high value-added imitation stone PC bricks, antique bricks Large hydraulic bricks and retaining wall blocks, etc.

核心优势 Core advantages

      三联机械高端伺服尾矿制砖设备,以四轴伺服振动,伺服液压技术为核心,依托华为5G技术,可实现全自动化闭环式运转,人机通话,手机云端监控和诊断。振动台悬浮系统、布料前后双驱设计、取补板系统、旋转子母车系统,一个个技术突破是三联机械技术实力不断攀升的见证 。

sanlian mechanical high-end servo tailings brick making equipment, with four-axis servo vibration and servo hydraulic technology as the core, relying on Huawei 5G technology, can achieve fully automated closed-loop operation, human-machine communication, mobile cloud monitoring and diagnosis. The suspension system of the vibration table, the design of the front and rear dual drive of the fabric, the system of taking and patching plates, and the system of rotating mother and child carriages are all technological breakthroughs that witness the continuous rise of the technical strength of the sanlian mechanical system.


优质服务 High quality service


Since its establishment nearly thirty years ago, Sanlian Machinery has always adhered to the fundamental principle of customer-oriented, providing customers with one-stop services, from demand matching to process transformation, from equipment solutions to project implementation, from shipment to installation, from acceptance to lifelong after-sales service. Customer satisfaction is our constant pursuit and goal. With technology as the core and service as the guarantee, we look forward to working with you for common development and prosperity.

标签: 三联机械
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