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三联机械 2023-11-27 10:02:07


Meeting Minutes · Zhengzhou - S.L Machinery Invited to Attend the 6th Construction Waste and the 1st Comprehensive Utilization of Decoration Waste Resources Experience Exchange Conference



The 6th Construction Waste and the 1st Comprehensive Utilization of Decoration Waste Experience Exchange Conference was successfully held in Zhengzhou from November 22nd to 24th.


     本次大会以“绿色创造价值,低碳改变世界,合作赋能共赢”为主题,分享和探讨建筑垃圾和装修垃圾资源化综合利用的最新经验和技术,推动行业的可持续发展。The theme of this conference is "Green creates value, low-carbon changes the world, and cooperation empowers win-win". It shares and explores the latest experiences and technologies in the comprehensive utilization of construction waste and decoration waste resources, promoting the sustainable development of the industry.



S.L machinery was invited to attend the meeting. Li Xiaoying, Deputy General Manager of the company, gave a keynote speech on "Production Practice and Equipment of Large scale Hydraulic and Retaining Wall Blocks Using Construction Waste Recycled Aggregate".


     在会上,李总分享了目前国内建筑垃圾现状,产量高、储量大,通过生产和实践,提出利用建筑垃圾再生骨料生产大型水工和挡土墙砌块的解决方案,为建筑垃圾再生骨料的应用提供了新的途径。以大型专用生产设备的生产实践,最大比例的消耗大宗固废,包括建筑垃圾、工业固废、尾矿渣、生活垃圾焚烧炉渣等材料,既可快速实现效益回报,同时也是推动固废资源化利用得一大成功举措。At the meeting, Mr. Li shared the current situation of construction waste in China, with high production and large reserves. Through production and practice, he proposed a solution to use recycled aggregate from construction waste to produce large-scale hydraulic and retaining wall blocks, providing a new way for the application of recycled aggregate from construction waste. Through the production practice of large-scale specialized production equipment, the maximum proportion of consumption of bulk solid waste, including construction waste, industrial solid waste, tailings, household waste incineration slag and other materials, can not only achieve rapid returns on benefits, but also promote the successful utilization of solid waste resources.




The SLST2400 ultra large hydraulic brick production line launched by Sanlian Machinery in 2022 is mainly aimed at the production of large hydraulic bricks and ecological retaining wall blocks.

The biggest feature is that it can support a maximum finished product size of 1500 × 1300 × 600mm, exceeding the industry's molding limit of 1300 × 1300 × 500mm. The equipment adopts a triple mechanical high-end servo eight axis dual vibration table system, with large vibration force, fast forming speed, and high product density. The vibration table suspension system, front and rear dual-drive design of material, closed-loop operation, and main castings have all applied for patent protection, which is not only a major breakthrough in the research and development of Sanlian, but also a breakthrough in the industry.



S.L MACHINERY - a professional manufacturer of brick and wall panel machines, with over thirty years of experience in the industry. From requirement docking to process transformation, from equipment solutions to project implementation, from shipment to installation, from acceptance to lifelong after-sales service. We sincerely invite you to take the time to visit Sanlian Machinery and make appointments with our Quanzhou headquarters, Hefei branch, Xinyi branch, Qingdao branch, or various offices nationwide. The appointment hotline is 0595-86789998

标签: 三联机械
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