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徐工 2024-09-18 14:40:42





Dear Global Colleagues at XCMG,




As the full moon rises and its gentle light illuminates the world, I hope it finds each of you fulfilled and happy. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the senior management team of XCMG Group and XCMG Machinery, I would like to take this Mid-Autumn Festival as an opportunity to extend my heartfelt respect and warmest holiday greetings to all XCMG colleagues and your families, wherever you may be. Whether near or far, separated by oceans or close by, our hearts are united by a shared mission and dream. Together, we enjoy the same moon and wish for the reunion of our families and nation.




We are determined to embrace innovation and pursue development through transformation. 2024 is a pivotal year for XCMG as we press ahead with our "Intelligent,Digital,and Connected Transformation"  value. This year has been critical for XCMG, as we transition from strategic planning to practical application and real-world implementation. We are committed to advancing our industry's transformation towards high-end, intelligent, green, service-oriented, and internationalized upgrades. We are accelerating organizational change, process reengineering, and cultural reshaping. By managing both complex challenges and transformations simultaneously, we are driving efficiency across our global operations, the entire value chain, and all business domains through concerted efforts.




With determination to aim high and move forward together into the future, we focused on our strategic goals in the first half of the year, adhering to the development guidelines of "high quality, risk control, world-class standards, and stable growth". We strengthened our confidence, energized our efforts, and bravely shouldered responsibilities. Our overall revenue has achieved "double surpassing" at the half-year mark, with both product gross margin and net sales margin seeing "double improvement". The performance of our listed company continues to lead the industry. We remain committed to consolidating this steady and positive trend, advancing along the path of high-quality development with substantial progress.




The proportion of international revenue has reached a new high, and half of the credit goes to you! Amid the wave of globalization, XCMG's international pioneers have ventured across the seas, using their dreams as sails and their actions to embody the mission of "Leading Technology To Empower Solid Future". They are interpreting and embodying the questioning, revolutionary, innovative and persevering spirit of XCMG in the new era.


From large-scale wind power projects in Europe to the completion of the world's largest single refinery, from the 5,000-kilometer Pan-Asian Railway to the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, from Saudi Arabia's NEOM City to the world's largest untapped iron ore project in Simandou, XCMG has frequently appeared in major global 'super construction projects.' From the snow-capped mountains of the plateau to the vast deserts, from bustling cities to remote villages, it is you who have brought XCMG's equipment across mountains and seas. It is you who have made XCMG products shine across the world, becoming a highly reputable 'Chinese Brand'—a symbol of national strength and global reach.


This year, I welcomed over 1,200 international friends in Xuzhou and led teams into local markets such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia. I have just returned from research trips in Australia and Indonesia, where I witnessed the hard work and dedication of every XCMG pioneer, bravely expanding into new territories in foreign lands. I am deeply moved by the challenges you face. Thank you to all our colleagues for your persistence and effort, which have made XCMG a company worthy of complete trust, a company that creates value for global customers, and one that is committed to building a better world.



As the full moon symbolizes reunion, we share these moments together as one family. No matter where you are, XCMG will always be your strongest support. Let us join hands and, under the light of the Mid-Autumn moon, paint a grand blueprint for XCMG's international development and create an even more glorious future together!‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍




Last but not least, I sincerely wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, good health, and family reunions!May the bright moon light your future and illuminate every step of XCMG's global journey.



Yang Dongsheng ,

Chairman of XCMG Group and XCMG Machinery

标签: 徐工
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