柳工 9135F 挖掘机欧洲首发
LiuGong 9135F Excavator Makes Its European Debut
近日,柳工9135F 超大型挖掘机正式发运欧洲高端市场,填补了柳工成熟市场百吨级以上挖掘机市场空白。
Recently, the LiuGong 9135F super-large excavator was officially shipped to the high-end European market, filling the gap in LiuGong's mature market for excavators of 100 tons and above.
这台超120吨级超大型挖机不仅符合欧洲最高排放标准——欧V排放要求,同时针对矿山等重载工况进行专门设计,搭载康明斯大功率发动机与 F 系列全电控液压系统,动力强劲,操作顺滑,高效节能。整机采用重载型底盘和加强型回转平台,工作装置强悍可靠。根据不同工况,还可以选择不同规格的工作装置及属具,满足多样化作业需求。
The 120-ton class 9135F meets the highest European emission standard, Euro V, and is specifically designed for heavy-duty applications such as mining. It is equipped with a powerful Cummins engine and the F-series fully electronically controlled hydraulic system, delivering strong power, smooth operation, and high energy efficiency. The machine features a heavy-duty undercarriage and reinforced swing platform, ensuring robust and reliable operation. Depending on the working conditions, the machine can be configured with various working devices and attachments to meet diverse operational needs.
此次首发的9135F 采用定制化红色漆。值得一提的是,该客户此前已采购并使用了20多台柳工挖掘机,含975F、995F等大型设备。
The 9135F model launched this time features customized red paint. Notably, the customer has previously purchased and is using more than 20 LiuGong excavators, including the 975F and 995F large models.
柳工 9135F挖掘机的欧洲首发,标志着柳工在超大型设备领域国际化拓展的全新起点。未来,柳工将继续秉承创新驱动,凭借高品质、高性能的大型设备解决方案,助力全球矿山作业和大型工程开发建设。
The European debut of the LiuGong 9135F excavator marks a new milestone in LiuGong’s global development of super-large equipment. Going forward, LiuGong will continue to drive innovation and provide high-quality, high-performance large equipment solutions to support global mining operations and major engineering development and construction projects.
HELLO SPRING"不负春光 奋斗正当时"春潮奔涌处,奋进正当时柳工江汉设备助力各地重点项目建设全力保障施工进度与安全以春耕奋斗者的姿。