2 |
钢筋混凝土加工设备 Plant and machinery for processing concrete reinforcing
steel |
3 |
模板及脚手架 Formwork and scaffolding |
4 |
起重运输设备 Lifting and conveying equipment |
4.1 |
工程起重机及塔式起重机 Cranes |
4.2 |
施工提升机 Construction lifts |
4.3 |
建筑卷扬机、提升卷扬机、牵引卷扬机、制动卷扬机 Construction winches, hoist winches, draw
winches and detent winches |
4.4 |
滑轮提升机、电动提升机 Pulley hoists, electric lifts |
4.5 |
皮带机、皮带秤 Belt conveyors, belt weighers |
4.7 |
螺旋提升机 Screw conveyors |
4.8 |
斗式提升机 Bucket conveyors |
4.9 |
物料输送振动器与气动输送线 Vibrators for material conveying and pneumatic
conveyor lines |
4.10 |
叉车及工业车辆 Factory trucks |
4.11 |
轨道式翻斗车 Bucket railways |
4.12 |
液压提升机和输送带、升降平台 Hydraulic lifts and conveyors, lifting
platforms |
5 |
混凝土和泥浆搅拌、运输和输送机械与设备 Machinery and equipment for mixing, transporting
and conveying concrete and mortar; concrete compaction |
5.1 |
混凝土与泥浆搅拌机 Concrete and mortar mixing |
5.2 |
混凝土运输设备、混凝土和泥浆输送设备 Concrete transport, concrete and mortar
conveying |
5.3 |
混凝土捣实设备 Concrete compaction |
6 |
挖掘机械及铲土运输机械 Excavators, loaders, bulldozers and
graders |
6.1 |
挖掘机 Excavators |
6.2 |
挖泥船 Dredging boats |
6.3 |
装载机 Loaders |
6.4 |
推土机 Bulldozers |
6.5 |
平地机 Graders |
6.6 |
工作装置(挖斗、松土器、救险装置、液压锤等) Attachments (tail-mounted excavators,
rippers, wreckers, hydraulic hammers etc.) |
7 |
隧道施工用成套设备与机械 Plant and machinery for tunnel and gallery
construction |
7.1 |
局部开挖掘进机 Selective-cut heading machines |
7.2 |
全断面掘进机 Full-section heading machines |
7.3 |
盾构机 Tunnel shields |
7.6 |
钻车与装药车 Drilling vehicles and explosives vehicles |
7.7 |
运输与输送系统 Transport and conveyor systems |
7.8 |
通风除尘设备 Ventilation and dust extraction |
7.9 |
隧道衬砌系统 Lining systems for tunnels and galleries |
8 |
钻机、打桩机、拔桩机、下水道施工维护系统和坑道施工系统 Drills, pile drivers and pulling tools,
sewer construction and maintenance systems, conduit construction
systems |
8.1 |
钻机 Drilling machines and plant |
8.2 |
打桩机和拔桩机 Pile drivers and pulling tools |
8.4 |
液压管道推进器 Hydraulic pipe pushers |
8.5 |
下水道维护系统 Sewer maintenance systems |
8.7 |
电缆铺设机械和设备 Cable-laying machines and equipment |
9 |
压缩机、气动和液压工具 Compressors, pneumatic and hydraulic
tools |
9.1 |
压缩机 Compressors |
9.2 |
气动工具 Pneumatic tools |
9.3 |
液压工具 Hydraulic tools |
10 |
土方和公路施工压实设备 Compaction equipment for earthworks and
road-building |
10.1 |
压路机 Rollers |
10.2 |
板式振捣器 Plate vibrators |
10.3 |
夯 Tampers |
11 |
水泥和沥青公路施工机械和设备、水道和铁路铺设机械设备及维护 Machinery and equipment for concrete
and asphalt road-building, waterway construction and railway track-laying,
road maintenance and repair |
11.1 |
道路施工设备 Road construction equipment |
11.2 |
沟渠推土、平整、压实、砼沥青设备 以及沟渠床基清理设备 Canal bank bulldozing, grading,
compacting, concreting and asphalting machinery, canal bed cleaning
machines |
11.3 |
铁路铺设机械 Track-laying machines |
11.4 |
道路维修和维护机械 Machines for road repair and maintenance |
12 |
工程车辆 Construction vehicles |
12.1 |
自卸车 Dumper trucks |
12.2 |
拖拉机 Tractors |
12.3 |
半拖挂车 Semi-trailer tractor units |
12.4 |
用于特殊上部构造的卡车底盘 Truck chassis for special
superstructures |
12.5 |
车辆上部构造和拖车 Vehicle superstructures and trailers |
13 |
建筑设备和工具 Building equipment and tools |
13.1 |
切割设备 Cutting equipment |
13.2 |
切割工具 Cutting tools |
13.3 |
其它施工设备与工具 Other construction equipment and tools |
14 |
施工工地装备 Construction-site installations |
15 |
水泥、石灰、石膏、砂、粘土、砾石业所用成套设备与机械 Plant and machinery for the cement, lime,
gypsum, sand, clay, gravel and crushed stone industries |
15.1 |
水泥、石灰、石膏、火山土、粉笔业所用成套设备与机械 Complete plant for the cement, lime,
gypsum, trass and chalk industry |
15.2 |
砂、粘土、砾石、碎石业所用成套设备与机械 Complete plant for the sand, clay, gravel and
broken stone industry |
15.3 |
破碎机 Crushers |
15.4 |
粉碎机 Grinders |
15.5 |
振动筛 Screens |
15.6 |
湿法加工成套设备 Wet-process plant and equipment |
15.7 |
分离器 Separators |
15.8 |
砾石与碎石料仓 Silos for gravel and broken stone |
15.9 |
石料与土壤干燥装置 Drying installation for the stone and soil
industry |
15.10 |
除尘设备 Dust extraction plant |
15.11 |
再生设备 Stackers and reclaimers |
15.12 |
包装机械 Bagging/Packing machines |
16 |
建材回收成套设备与机械 Plant and machinery for recycling building
materials |
17 |
水泥、石灰与石膏为基料的建筑构件用成套设备与机械 Plant and machinery for producing cement,
lime and gypsum-based building components |
17.1 |
混凝土砌块与混凝土板生产成套设备与机械 Plant and machinery for manufacturing concrete
blocks and slabs |
17.2 |
混凝土管生产成套设备与机械 Plant and machinery for manufacturing concrete pipes
and shafts |
17.3 |
预制混凝土构件生产成套设备与机械 Plant and machinery for manufacturing precast
concrete parts |
17.4 |
混凝土砌块、混凝土板、混凝土管与预制件运输与包装机械与设备 Machinery and equipment for
transporting and packaging blocks, slabs pipes, and precast
parts |
17.5 |
轻型混凝土砌块与构件生产成套设备与机械 Plant and machinery for manufacturing
lightweight concrete blocks and elements |
17.7 |
纤维水泥、混凝土聚合物、沥青墙板与预制墙体构件生产成套设备与机械 Plant and machinery for
manufacturing elements made of fibrous cement, concrete polymer,
bituminous wallboards and prefabricated wall elements |
17.8 |
砂、石灰砖与砌块生产成套设备与机械 Plant and machinery for manufacturing sand-lime
bricks and blocks |
18 |
电梯与电动扶梯 Lifts, elevators and escalators |
19 |
采石场用成套设备与机械 Plant, machinery and equipment for quarrying and working
stone and concrete |
20 |
检测设备、控制系统以及软件 Testing and measuring equipment and control
systems |
21 |
工程机械、建材机械与施工车辆用传动系统、流体工程及部件 Drive systems, fluid engineering,
subassemblies for construction and building material machinery and
construction vehicles |
22 |
工程机械、建材机械与施工车辆用设备、附件及基础零部件 Equipment, accessories and replacement
parts for construction and building material machinery and construction
vehicles |
23 |
服务提供商 Service providers |
23.1 |
专业建筑出版商 Construction trade publishers |
23.2 |
专业协会及组织 Trade associations and organizations |
23.3 |
融资/租赁 Financing/Leasing |
23.5 |
租赁公司(无展品) Rental companies (without exhibits) |
23.7 |
EDP hardware and software for planning, logistics and
administration |